Grotti Mill Productions

Folk Art - European Heritage - Premium Quality Prints


Vlad Dracula

Dracula Vlad painting image

Vlad Dracula
by Ulf (2022)

For those with a taste for blood, Vlad Dracula a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler, is one who needs no formal introduction...

The ORIGINAL Dracula sits down to a nice meal with his enemies in this GORE-geous print by ULF.

Those who wish to feed their Dark Medieval fantasies will surely appreciate the stylistically simple yet meticulously detailed Gothic style of this macabre masterpiece, beautifully printed in vivid full color.

Order this print today! Available as a super high quality Limited Edition Fine Art print or as a Premium-Quality Poster.

For those who don't know...

Who was Vlad Dracula?

Vlad Dracula (c. 1420 - 1476) was a 15th century prince of Walachia, a region in southern Romania situated between the Transylvanian Alps and the Danube River. The moniker, Dracula, literally means "Son of the Dragon", so named after his father, Vlad Dracul - "the Dragon".
Vlad Dracula is famously known as Vlad Tepes, "Vlad the Impaler" because of his habit of impaling his Turkish enemies on stakes. He was also notorius for brutally torturing and killing those amongst his OWN people who could not live up to his strict moral code.
The legends of Dracula tell of a bloodthirsty ruler who liked to take his meal amidst the victims of his impaling activities, all while his servant hacked up bodies "like cabbage" in his presence. He was even said to have dipped his bread in blood and drank the blood of his victims, causing him to be associated with Vampirism. Such stories became hugely popular throughout Europe and would eventually influence the creation of the Dracula and Vampire tales that are such a popular part of Western culture to this day - notably beginning with Bram Stoker's Dracula of 19th century literature. While Vlad Dracula may have went down in Western Cultural History as a monster, it is often underappreciated that Western culture may not have survived without him.. For it was the lifelong mission of Prince Vlad Dracula to protect his land from the invading Turkish army of the Eastern Ottoman Empire - and that he did. In what is perhaps the most famous story, Vlad's Army captured and killed thousands of Turks in Tirgoviste - when the Sultan himself advanced on Vlad's turf he found a mile long gorge filled with 20,000 impaled Turks. It was enough brutal terror to make even the notoriously cruel Turks lose heart in their attempt to conquer the West. The Sultan famously complained that he could not "win this land from a man who does such things".